DT project 2 final- how concept becomes product

Concept becomes product 

"Wait...iphone shuts down in extreme coldness or when you walk outside and the temperature is low, right?" 
"Pretty much yeah, but why?"
"What about we make phone case warmer, I saw a lot of information about that..."
"That might be a good idea!"
(this was not the way that our idea was created... just saying.)


I think in my Dt projects, I think this was the most collaborative ones because Mary and Victorie done most of the fusing work, Jasper brought lots of supplies, and I made an idea for this DT project. Of course, we did help each other. We Fused out some plastic bags and cut into a certain length of it because we are going to weave, and fuse it again. the result of weaving was actually better than we expected. 

Although we made this product pretty well, because of time, we didn't make this product just like what we expected. We used velcro to make the finale 'open-and-close' thingie. Although we used velcro which is not the best supply to finish this, our phone case warmer keeps the phone warm eventually. 

1st picture show velcro stuck inside of the product, and the 2nd picture will show you what it looks like. 

If someone wants me to rate this product out of ten, I will give... 8/10, one mark for the non-clean edges (which we can't figure how to fix it...), and one last mark for the velcro (which we didn't have enough time to actually make the 'thingie' ). 

Good to know- Do you know what Luem Ipsum is? if you don't know, then search it up!


Step By Step, tbh.

So...when our team was actually making this, we didn't follow step by step because we have a possibility that the way we make this will always change, and someone might feel more comfortable with some other ways to make this. (And I used internet word on top, tbh=to be honest, just letting you know, hah.)

These are step-by-step: 

1. Get some plastic bags and you have to choose a slippery-type plastic bag, and check is the color of the plastic bag is too "beautiful".
2. Fuse these plastic bags. 
3. Cut them into 20mm*300mm length, this was the part that wastes most time, so be quick!!!
4. Weave it, but make sure-never scroll 'x line' toward you...
5. Fuse it again, but do it in low-heat... if you fuse it in high temperature, it will curve and you will want to make it again. 
6. Cut cotton paper in half, and cut it in this size: 220mm*300mm.
7. Now you will have 3 layers, put all 3 layers on the sewing machine and sew the very outside line. 
8. Fold into half, leave 10mm because it will be the width of the phone and other layers.
sew the bottom part. 

After this part, I will split into two ways. 

What we suppose to do: 
9. Fuse another white slippery plastic bag, cut into certain size. 
10. Use hot glue to stick that in another side. 
11. use a big button on your wasting coat and make a hole in the white plastic. 
12. Done!!!

What we actually did...
9. Whatever.. we ran out of time so just use velcro...
10. Yay...let's do the blog post. 

Some challenges were facing us...

When we were actually making this product, we were stuck on the outside part. are we going to fuse, weave, knit or...? we literally spend a lesson just for this because we weren't sure about that. At that moment we didn't know we can weave, but Victorie said we can weave and it will cause less time.

We agreed, and it was 10/10 choice because weaving costed the shortest time to make it! 

This was not even a problem because we have the worst case. when I was in Shanghai to compete in BISS PUXI (FOBISIA MATHS), there was no sewing machine in DT lab, so they have to find a way to continue it. unfortunately, we chose to use hot glue at that time. This was a good solution at that time, but when I came back, sewing machine came into DT lab too! 

our hot glue was sticking these layers for 8 days, how can the sewing machine sew through those hot glue? the only solution was to get rid of them. Luckily, we had enough time to get rid of it, so we solved that case, it was very close to failing, but we didn't! 

Time. The most expensive thing on our planet for now. unfortunately, we didn't have enough time to actually make a cap at the top. Our team members decided to just place a velcro beside two inner sides, and it was not that bad as we expected. 

anyways, this DT project was a creative, recycling project. our third DT project was also successful! 

written by Amelima-(David)
Our Teammates: Victorie, Amelima, Jasper, Mary. 
Thank you!
